Clean Flo, an Alternative to Dredging

by | Sep 22, 2021 | 0 comments

Clean-Flo is a company that has developed a combination of products that facilitates dissolving biological material from a pond. Otherwise known as “muck,” biological material can be grassing. cuttings, leaves, goose excrement and other decayed plant material.

I will give you the key points up front, and then more detail. I found this company when I was exploring pond dredging options.

  1. They have been in business for 50 years and have many testimonials and clients willing to speak to their products.
  2. CleanFlo bio-dredging dissolves muck, which is biological material.
  3. Our ponds have multiple inches of muck.
  4. Our ponds have old decayed liners that were not properly cared for.
  5. Implemented in a newly dredged and re-lined pond, Clean-Flo would prevent the build-up of muck.
  6. There are other companies that sell enzyme products to dissolve muck, but CleanFlo pairs that with energy efficient aerators that pump air into the water, increasing the effectiveness of the natural enzymes
  7. I asked them to provide three options. Installing a system in each pond would be the most effective, but significant effectiveness is possible when used in combination with our existing pumps and fountains.

Now that you know the key benefits, you may want to learn how Clean-Flo bio dredging works. See their web page about bio-dredging, their about page to learn about the company, and review the proposal they have submitted tailored to the WFCA.

About CleanFlow, the Company

Read about the Company

CleanFlo Proposal

Their detailed proposal for WFCA


View excerpts and complete letters of testimonial


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