Hello interested homeowner in Winslow Farm.

We have created this website as a service to you to share the information we have collected.

We want to share factual and sourced information.

Like many community associations with common property of significant value, Winslow Farm Community Association has a particular longstanding problem to solve. I have learned from service providers that ours is not a unique or uncommon problem. Our practical proposal is our best effort to look at everything and provide a financially feasible plan, protects properties, and will address the concern within a seven year timeframe.

If you prefer to read everything in one document, you will find that here in our report (PDF).

Otherwise, please continue reading the pages on this website.

The ability to post comments on pages and posts is turned on. The first comment you submit will be held for review. Once approved, subsequent comments will not be held. That seemed a sensible way to prevent the site from being littered with spam comments. Please be respectful when you share your ideas, questions and concerns. We do want you to share them.